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 Pre and Post Death Organizing


In traditional cultures, people were often given a year or more to mourn and get their lives together after a death in the family.  Most people today strive to get a week off, at best, and then we believe everything should be fine.

  Francis Weller, on bereavement practices


One of the most difficult end of life responsibilities that often falls to family members of an aging, critically ill, or dying patient is deciding where their loved one is going to physically reside, and arranging the actual physical moves necessary to fulfill their wishes.

As people leave their homes and move into care facilities, as they move from care facilities to hospice, and then after a death when the actual possessions and physical artifacts have to be sorted, divided, and in many cases, disposed of, family members are often completely overwhelmed.  Children may live out of state.  Family may need to return to work.  The emotional stress and strain of an illness and death may render the people responsible completely unable to make the decisions they are time-limited in completing.


Blue Lotus offers a service to assist family and friends in organizing a final move, choosing what to keep, putting together a memorial box an/or album, and finding a way to close out one chapter of life while opening a legacy chapter that will serve as a loving way to hold loved ones in our hearts. 

We have the training and skills to provide one on one support for these emotional and overwhelming endeavors.  We have artists and creative writers, as well as a complete list of resources to help families rethink the tasks involved in making moves and settling estates. If your loved one is moving to a care facility, a hospital, a hospice, or if they have died and you need to handle the artifacts and need help, we are here.

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